Saturday, 11 October 2008

Amelie's Return

My cat Amelie has returned from a hiatus. fter spending some time in New York with my family where she learned to be more social, living with three other cats and younger kids, she has returned to Providence and is crazier than ever. Does anyone know how awesome cats are? Rodolfo and I spent about 25 minutes laughing at her last night because she is completely ridiculous. Whenever we would stop laughing and go back to normal one of us would start to giggle and we would laugh again for five minutes straight. Oh, Amelie.

So work has been completely insane since we've opened back up after a $2.2 million renovation. More drama, more business, new managers, and never a dull moment. Most ridiculous part of the renovation? These metal, strange looking banisters that go down three steps in the new bar area. The cost? $54,000....for four banisters that go down three steps. Yet, they couldn't give us more money? Just $1.00 more? Nope. Even though we're working twice as hard and twice as much.

Over at Ledgemont Country Club (where Rodolfo is a cook) things have gotten slow and things are not good over there. Rodolfo got a letter of recomendation from his Chef and I talked to the chef at my club and now Rodolfo is going to leave Ledgemont and work at The University Club. He's incredibly talented at cooking and not only that, he is reading tickets, working on the line, and almost never speaks Spanish. The chef over there really likes him...and that's saying something coming from him. I call him "my little chef." Slightly reminiscent of Ratatouille, but very very true. He definitely is going to get lots more experience here and also more money.

So I visited my sister up at Sterling College in northern Vermont with Rodolfo last weekend. It was a very long drive, but we had a nice time (other than me having a tummy ache). Rodolfo was incredibly sweet to my sister and I love him for that. My sister has been very lonely up there, being an outsider. She's the only one that is not a crazy hippie and doesn't smoke marijuanna or drink. Literally. Also, my Mom and brother have moved to Virginia so now they are not in visiting distance anymore.

Possibly going up to Salem for some Halloween festivities this Monday. Should be fun!

I usually have something interesting going on so I really need to be up on using this blog more often as I read everyone elses everyday. I promise at least once a week I will try to update.

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